Tour itinerary\\PACKAGE PRICES :
Day 1 | Departure flight – Taoyuan (Taipei) 出发地–桃园(台北) |
Meet and transfer to hotel 搭乘机飞抵台湾桃园国际机场 | |
Day 2 | Taoyuan – Taipei – Yeliu – Jinshan Old Street – Yilan – Hualien 桃园-台北-花莲:子弹列车、野柳、雪山隧道、苏花公路、花莲 |
After breakfast, board the Bullet Train to Taipei and proceed to National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall, used to be a monument in memory of Chiang Kai-Shek. Yeliu is a 1.7-kilometer-long cape that juts into the sea, where wave erosion, weathering, and the action of the earth's crust have combined to create sea-eroded trenches, candlestick rocks, mushroom rocks, bean curd rocks, beehive rocks, potholes, dissolved basins, and all sorts of other fantastic rock formations. Move on to Jinshan Old Street, the only preserved ancient street of Qing dynasty in Taiwan. Passing through the world 5th longest tunnel- Xueshan Tunnel and Suahua Scenic Road, we travel to Hualien, on the way you can enjoy and beautiful coastal scenery. 早餐之后搭乘高速铁路子弹火车前往台北,前往台湾民主纪念馆。这座壮观的建筑物,原为了纪念台湾的前总统将介石所建。之后前往游览全台湾最著名的地质公园-野柳风景区,各类奇特的地质奇观一定会让您留下难忘的印象。下一站前往金山老街,这条街是目前北海岸仅存的清代老街,是当年主要的农产与渔获的集散地。接着通过全世界第五长的隧道-雪山隧道前往游览宜兰县。稍后启程由苏花公路前往花莲,临海道路全长118公里,大致依海岸线修筑,间或蜿蜒进入平坦河口三角洲腹地。沿路可看太平洋海景与峭壁山色,是一条世界着名的景观公路景点。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Dinner | |
Day 3 | Hualien –Taitung 花莲-台东:太鲁阁峡谷、长春祠、花东纵谷、瑞穗牧场、小熊度假村(放天灯) |
After breakfast, we take a tour of the impressive Taroko Gorge, one of the most spectacular natural wonders of the world, featuring scenic sights like Taroko Memorial Arch Building and Changchun Temple. The gorge was formed by rushing river waters which have cut straight through the marble and granite to create a beautiful, narrow ravine with waterfalls and patches of mist clinging to the mountains, surrounded by subtropical forests. Enjoy yourself at a local Lingzhi Center. After enjoy your herb lunch, proceed to Rei Suei Farm, with beautiful scenery, clear water, fresh air, and affluent grassland, these districts are suitable for development of stockbreeding. Next stop is Master Bear Resort , find your own paradise here and release Heaven Lantern floating into the sky. Enjoy Local Folk Dance performance. 早餐之后前往太鲁阁国家公园,首先会看到的是题有“东西横贯公路”的太鲁阁牌坊。接着前往橙瓦红墙,采山洞式建筑的古典式祠堂,长春祠,之后参观野生灵芝馆。中午享用一顿养生料理午餐。沿着花东纵谷,尽览两边的壮丽景色,抵达台东瑞穗牧场。占地三十公頃肥美的黃金草原,讓黑白相間的乳牛徜徉在油亮碧綠中,孕育出全台灣獨一無二的鮮乳品種,當天擠、馬上煮的鮮乳香純濃郁,鮮奶饅頭有著濃濃的奶香,令人回味,尤其是鮮乳酪更是讓人一口接一口。前往住宿小熊度假村,坐拥花东纵谷磅礴美景,您还可在晚间领略台湾悠久的民俗文化-放天灯。晚间观赏台湾当地最具特色的歌舞表演。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner | |
Day 4 | Taitung – Kenting 台东-垦丁: 鹅銮鼻、灯塔、船帆石、垦丁、猫鼻头、垦丁大街夜游 |
After breakfast, depart for Oluanpi, the southern most tip of Taiwan, and is known for its coral gardens and big lighthouse. Then go to Kenting National Park , located on the southernmost point of the island. The park is bordered on three sides by water, the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Bashi Channel to the south, and the Taiwan Strait to the west. Next stop is the famous Maopitou where rugged coastline’s major attraction is the twisted coral formations. Visit the famous Sail Rock which looks like a sail. You can enjoy local cuisine at Kenting street. 早餐之后前往游览垦丁国家公园。首先到台湾最南端的鹅銮鼻国家公园,游览台湾八景之一的鹅銮鼻灯塔,之后前往垦丁地标船帆石。继程,不仅有得天独厚的动植物资源,而且还有美丽的水光山色。貓鼻頭地形位置正臨台灣海峽與巴士海峽之交會處,為台灣最南端岬角。晚间你可在垦丁大街自费品尝各式当地美食。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch | |
Day 5 | Kenting –Kaohsiung 垦丁-高雄:佛光山、澄清湖、海洋奇珍园、梦时代广场、六合夜市 |
After breakfast, we take a tour Fo Kuan Shan Monastery. Established in 1967, it has evolved from a mountain-top bamboo monastery to the largest Buddhist monastery in Taiwan and an internationally recognized site of pilgrimage. Continue to Kaohsiung Chengching Lake, over a million people to visit it every year, is “Taiwan Xihu”, the most beautiful lake in Taiwan. Then go to visit Exotic Marine Life Museum, demonstrate numerous precious and unique deep sea biology from all over the world. Inside the museum you will feel like entering a time corridor combined with history and ocean, you will see all these precious marine life in one time, both interesting and exciting. Next stop is Kaohsiung Dream Mall, the largest shopping mall in Taiwan, on the way we will also visit Pearl Center. Before we check into our hotel for the night, proceed to Leo Ho Night Market. 早餐后前往台湾佛教圣地佛光山,该寺建于1967年,除了是台湾最大的佛寺之外,在国际亦享有盛名,下一站是澄清湖,每年吸引上百万人次流连在湖光山色美景中,是为台湾最负盛名的观光地区,总面积约375公顷,全区风光旖旎,有「台湾西湖」的美誉。续往海洋奇珍园,蒐集展示数百种来自世界各大海洋中的罕见海洋动物,并由专人细心照料饲养后开放参观,置身其间仿如走进歷史与海洋结合的时空走廊,世界上独一无二的深海珍稀生物一次看个够,既新奇又有趣。之后参观台湾珍珠养殖中心。继往全台最大的购物中心,梦时代购物广场,在这里,游客可以自费搭乘全台唯一可以欣赏海景的Hello Kitty摩天轮。之后将前往六合夜市品尝各种台湾美食小吃。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch | |
Day 6 | Kaohsiung – Changhwa – Taichung 高雄-彰化-台中:田尾公路花园、日月潭、文武庙、孔雀园、逢甲夜市 |
After breakfast, proceed to Tien Wei Village highway garden has produced number 1 quantity of flowers and obtains the most various kinds of followers in Taiwan. Now, people called it "The hometown of the flowers" and has became good place for relax and recreation. We continue to visit the biggest freshwater lake in Taiwan, Sun Moon Lake. The lake spans 33km and cover 793 hectares. It is divided into two sections by Lalu Island. The Eastern part of the lake is round like the sun, while the Western part is shaped like a sun; hence the name Sun Moon Lake. Thereafter, visit Peacock Garden, & Wen Wu Temple, which is dedicated to Confucius and Guandi. Along the way, we stop to visit the old residence of Mao Prince. After dinner, visit the famous Fengjia Night Market of in Taichung. 早餐之后前田尾公路花园,此为全台最大的花园,各种花卉,数量、种类居全台之冠,所以有「花的故乡」的美名。下一站是台湾最大的淡水湖,日月潭,面积793公顷,全湖被拉鲁岛一分为二,东部状似月,西部状似太阳,日月潭亦因此得名。我们也将参观供奉孔子与关帝的文武庙,孔雀园以及毛王爷故居。晚间我们来到台中最大的逢甲夜市,游客可在此购买物美价廉的流行服饰。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch | |
Day 7 | Taichung – Taipei 台中-台北:淡水、渔人码头、圆山风景区、台北101、士林夜市 |
After breakfast, proceed to Danshui Old Street, and visit famous Fishman’s wharf. Next stop is the most well known The Grand Hotel in Taipei. Then visit the Pi-Siou Arts Center. Thereafter, visit Taipei’s tallest skyscraper, Taipei 101 World Building. Then, it is more shopping and bargains at Shihlin Night Market. 早餐后前往台北,游览淡水老街和渔人码头。之后前往台北圆山风景区,参观中国宫殿式建筑的圆山大饭店。之后前往貔貅展览馆。继程前往台湾101摩天大楼,晚间我们将前往士林夜市自费品尝大饼包小饼、士林大香肠、铁板烧等地道台湾美食。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch | |
Day 8 | Taipei – Return flight 台北-飞返家园 |
Transfer to airport for your flight home. 于指定集合时间乘车前往台湾桃园机场搭机飞返家园 Meal(s) : Breakfast |
![]() 7天 台湾百年豪华任我游 PACKAGE PRICES :
Day 1 | Departure flight–Taoyuan (Taipei) 出发地–桃园(台北) |
Meet and transfer to hotel. 搭乘机飞抵台湾桃园国际机场。 | |
Day 2 | Taipei–Chiufen – Yilan – Hualien 台北-九份-宜兰-花莲:雪山隧道、南方澳、南天宮、苏花公路 |
After breakfast, proceed to National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall, used to be a monument built in memory of former president Chiang Kai-Shek. Move on to Chiufen, the filming site of the film ‘City of Sadness’. Chiufen is located up in the hills of northern Taiwan. We can still see the old-fashioned way of life and feel the aura of an old mining town here. Savour some famous local snacks such as Dou Kou beef noodles, A-Pou Fish Ball soup, Chiufen taro ball soup. Passing through the the world 5th longest tunnel- Xueshan Tunnel to Yilan County and visit Nantian Temple. Continue passing Suahua Scenic Road, we travel to Hualien, on the way you can enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery especially the world famous Qingshui Cliff. 早餐之后前往台湾民主纪念馆。这座壮观的建筑物,原为了纪念台湾的前总统将介石所建。下一站前往山城九份游览,这是电影(悲情城市)的摄影场地,尚存旧时居民生活旧矿场的独特气息。这里的风味小吃也不容错过,如阿婆鱼羹、九份芋丸、旧道口牛肉面等。接着通过全世界第五长的隧道-雪山隧道前往游览南方澳漁港旁的南天宮供奉一尊以黃金打造的媽祖,稍后启程前往花莲,沿途欣赏太平洋海岸美景。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Dinner | |
Day 3 | Hualien – Taitung 花莲-台东:太鲁阁、花東縱谷、五星級國際渡假村 |
After breakfast, we take a tour of the impressive Taroko Gorge, one of the most spectacular natural wonders of the world, featuring scenic sights like Taroko Memorial Arch Building and Changchun Temple. The gorge was formed by rushing river waters which have cut straight through the marble and granite to create a beautiful, narrow ravine with waterfalls and patches of mist clinging to the mountains, surrounded by subtropical forests. After the herb lunch ,we then continue to the local Lingzhi and Tea Art Center. Have a good time and enjoy yourself at 5* International resort which offers lavish accommodation, tropical palms, perfect views and various leisure facilities. 早餐之后前往太鲁阁国家公园,首先会看到的是题有“东西横贯公路”的太鲁阁牌坊。接着前往橙瓦红墙,采山洞式建筑的古典式祠堂,长春祠,之后参观野生灵芝馆。中午享用一顿养生料理午餐,之后經過花東縱谷,贯通花莲、台东两县的精华地带,长达158公里的绿色走廊,尽是一片绿意和绵延的秀丽山脉。接着前往五星級国际渡假村,预留充足的时间,享受豪华渡假村内各种設施,游泳池、健身房、撞球室等各項免費設施,好好的放松一下,宠宠自己。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner | |
Day 4 | Taitung – Kaohsiung 台东-高雄: 佛光山、澄清湖、海洋奇珍园 |
After breakfast, depart for Fo Kuan Shan Monastery. Established in 1967, it has evolved from a mountain-top bamboo monastery to the largest Buddhist monastery in Taiwan and an internationally recognized site of pilgrimage. Continue to Kaohsiung Chengching Lake, over a million people to visit it every year, is “Taiwan Xihu”, the most beautiful lake in Taiwan. Then go to visit Exotic Marine Life Museum, demonstrate numerous precious and unique deep sea biology from all over the world. Inside the museum you will feel like entering a time corridor combined with history and ocean, you will see all these precious marine life in one time, both interesting and exciting. We will also visit Pearl Center. Before we check into our hotel for the night, proceed to Leo Ho Night Market; its many stalls sell sumptuous snacks and provide entertainment and recreational games. 早餐之后前往台湾佛教圣地佛光山,除了是台湾最大的佛寺之外,在国际亦享有盛名。下一站是澄清湖,每年吸引上百万人次流连在湖光山色美景中,是为台湾最负盛名的观光地区,总面积约375公顷,全区风光旖旎,有「台湾西湖」的美誉。续往海洋奇珍园,蒐集展示数百种来自世界各大海洋中的罕见海洋动物,并由专人细心照料饲养后开放参观,置身其间仿如走进歷史与海洋结合的时空走廊,世界上独一无二的深海珍稀生物一次看个够,既新奇又有趣。續往参观台湾珍珠养殖中心。之后将前往之后将前往六合夜市品尝各种台湾美食小吃。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch | |
Day 5 | Kaohsiung – Nantou – Taichung 高雄-南投-臺中:日月潭、日月潭缆车、九族文化村 |
After breakfast ,depart for Nantou to visit the biggest freshwater lake in Taiwan, Sun Moon Lake. The lake spans 33km and cover 793 hectares. It is divided into two sections by Lalu Island. The Eastern part of the lake is round like the sun, while the Western part is shaped like a sun; hence the name Sun Moon Lake. Thereafter, visit Wen Wu Temple, which is dedicated to Confucius and Guandi. We will also stop to visit aboriginal product shops. Then go to the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, earned renown for its popular theme area introducing Taiwanese aboriginal culture and for its lush forest and beautiful European Garden. Enjoy panorama view of both Sun Moon Lake and the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village on board Sun Moon Lake Cable Car. Visit Feng Jia Night Market to shop for low-priced clothes and try delicious local snacks. Tonight you will stay at a super deluxe Motel which is unique culture of Taiwan and a complete different experience. 早餐之后前往台湾最大的淡水湖,日月潭,全湖被拉鲁岛一分为二,东部状似月,西部状似太阳,日月潭亦因此得名。乘搭全新的日月潭缆车,将九族与日月潭山水湖景一览无遗。我们也将参观供奉孔子与关帝的文武庙及毛王爷故居。之后前往游览占地达930 亩台湾第一高山族文化村-九族文化村。这座超大型综合性主题乐观拥有台湾游乐园‘八大最’─台湾最高的自由落体、最长的欧洲花园、海拔最高、树最多、原住民文化最丰富。想在绿树如荫的山林间,欣赏九族文化、体验超刺激与快感的游乐设施,或者只是看场秀、品尝原味餐等,是全家来体验台湾游乐园最High的地方。之后我们来到台中最大的逢甲夜市,游客可在此购买物美价廉的流行服饰。晚间住宿最具台湾特色的奢华汽车旅馆,完全不一样的住宿体验。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch | |
Day 6 | Taichung –Hsinchu–Taipei 台中-台北:城隍庙/淡水渔人码头/淡水老街/忠烈祠/士林夜市 |
After breakfast, transfer to visit Hsinchu Cheng Huang Temple, Hsinchu's rice noodles, pork balls and meat pasties own their reputation to the fact they have been produced for over a century, getting better with time and never losing their popularity. Proceed to Martyr’s Shrine and view an elaborate ceremony of changing guards hourly and Pi-Siou Arts Center. proceed to Danshui Old Street and visit famous Fishman’s wharf. Then, it is more shopping and bargains at Shihlin Night Market. 早餐后前往新竹城隍庙,庙口小吃如新竹貢丸及新竹米粉都是全台湾最出名的。后回台北參觀供奉历年忠勇为国牺牲的烈士牌位之忠烈祠,并可观赏仪仗队庄严的换班仪式,继往貔貅展示中心。接着前往淡水老街游览观光,品尝阿婆铁蛋等台湾知名小吃,接着再到超人气偶像剧“流星花园”的拍摄地点,渔人码头游览观光。晚间我们将前往士林夜市自费品尝大饼包小饼、士林大香肠、铁板烧等地道台湾美食,游客也可在此继续享受购买流行服饰的乐趣。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch | |
Day 7 | Taipei – Return flight 台北-飞返家园 |
Transfer to airport. 于指定集合时间乘车前往桃园机场搭机飞返家园。 Meal(s) : Breakfast |
6 Days TAIWAN GLAMOUR 六天魅力台湾之旅 | ||||||||||
Validity | Adult | Child | ||||||||
Single | Twin | Triple | Twin | With Bed | No Bed | |||||
SEP - JAN 2011 | $928 | $648 | $648 | $638 | $598 | $328 | ||||
ROOM EXTENSION (Per pax per night) | $185 | $100 | $90 | $93 | $80 | $50 |
Daxi Flower Ocean 大溪花海 | Wulai Hot Spring 乌来温泉 | Thunghai Art Street 东海艺术街 | Chin-Yong DIY Recreational Farm 金勇休閒农场 |
Beipu Hakka Village 北埔 | Sun Moon Lake 日月潭 | Cheng Ching Lake 澄清湖 | Exotic Marine Life Musuem 海洋奇珍园 |
Day 1 | Departure Flight – Taoyuan (Taipei) 出发地–桃园(台北) |
Meet and transfer to hotel. 指定时间于机场集合,搭乘豪华客机飞抵桃园国际机场,专人接往住宿饭店休息 | |
Day 2 | Taoyuan –Kaohsiung Daxi Flower Ocean, Bei Pu Hakka Village, Chin-Yong DIY Recreational Farm, Leo Ho Night Market 桃园-高雄:大溪花海-北埔-金勇DIY休閒农场-六合夜市 |
After breakfast, depart for Daxi Flower Ocean Farm Ranch. The two hectares of lavender and sage in the “Violet Fantasy Land” make people wonder if they were in another country. Flowers in the “Rainbow Flower Field” blossom according to season. It is as if a magician makes the flowers bloom in the “Rainbow Flower Field.” Proceed to Beipu Hakka Village, which represents the early Hakka culture, where you can find traces of the Hakka culture from years gone by. Next stop is Chin-Yong DIY Recreational Farm, the biggest farm in Taiwan which produces more than 30 types of tomatoes introduced from all over the world. You can pick tomatoes, eat and buy an array of luscious fruits (own expense). Continue to Proceed to Leo Ho Night Market; its many stalls sell sumptuous snacks and provide entertainment and recreational games. 早餐之后前往“大溪花海农场”规模共计有15公顷,其中约1公顷栽种了薰衣草,加上2公顷以各种颜色花会所组成的彩虹花田,让整个园区不断弥漫着薰衣草清雅的香味。农场特别注重生态环境的平衡,所有农田中的树木均全数保存下来,常常可见白鹭鸶在园区中停留。到了秋天薰衣草的开花季节,农场转变成紫色山丘,孤树紫花与白鹭鸶,配合各色花卉的交织点缀,一片万紫千红的绮丽景致,让人不禁赞叹自然之美。這裡也是「綠光森林」、「我的秘密花园2」、「天国的嫁衣」、等许多偶像剧拍摄取景的地方。续往北埔属客家古朴的房舍及悠静小镇,最重要客家小吃,如圆仔汤、肉粽、麻及、擂茶、等等,是一条让人充满回忆的一个老街。后前往金勇DIY休閒农场体验农场休閒生活,在此大家可以(自費)「亲自采果、葫芦采繪、客家米食DIY..等」享受與大自然為伍的农村生活。之后将前往之后将前往六合夜市品尝各种台湾美食小吃。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch | |
Day 3 | Kaohsiung– Nantou –Taichung: Chengching Lake, Exotic Marine Life Museum ,Sun Moon Lake, Tunghai Art Street. 高雄-南投-台中: 澄清湖-海洋奇珍园-日月潭-东海艺术街-逢甲夜市 |
After breakfast, we take a tour of Kaohsiung Chengching Lake, over a million people to visit it every year, is “Taiwan Xihu”, the most beautiful lake in Taiwan. Then go to visit Exotic Marine Life Museum, demonstrate numerous precious and unique deep sea biology from all over the world. Inside the museum you will feel like entering a time corridor combined with history and ocean, you will see all these precious marine life in one time, both interesting and exciting. We will also visit Pearl Center. Next stop is Sun Moon Lake, the largest natural lake in Taiwan. The Eastern part of the lake is round like the sun, while the Western part is shaped like a crescent moon - hence the name "Sun Moon Lake". Visit Wen Wu Temple, which is dedicated to Confucius and Guandi. Along the way, visit Peacock Garden & aboriginal product shops. Continue to Taichung. Walks on the Tunghai Art Street, each kind of personalization's commodity shop, the cafe, the tea art hall, the restaurant, decorate the entire strip street are moving and are graceful, most of goods come from overseas with high-quality. Then Visit Feng Jia Night Market to shop for low-priced clothes and try delicious local snacks. 早餐之后前往是澄清湖,每年吸引上百万人次流连在湖光山色美景中,是为台湾最负盛名的观光地区,总面积约375公顷,全区风光旖旎,有「台湾西湖」的美誉。参观台湾珍珠养殖中心。续往海洋奇珍园,蒐集展示数百种来自世界各大海洋中的罕见海洋动物,并由专人细心照料饲养后开放参观,置身其间仿如走进歷史与海洋结合的时空走廊,世界上独一无二的深海珍稀生物一次看个够,既新奇又有趣。后前往台湾最大的淡水湖,日月潭,面积793公顷,全湖被拉鲁岛一分为二,东部状似月,西部状似太阳,日月潭亦因此得名。我们也将参观供奉孔子与关帝的文武庙,孔雀园以及毛王爷故居。下一站东海艺术街,就像个风情万种的俏佳人,你很难用哪一种美形容她,就像街上多元风情的店家,让到此一游的客人惊艷。晚间我们来到台中最大的逢甲夜市,游客可在此购买物美价廉的流行服饰。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch | |
Day 4 | Taichung – Taipei : C.K.S Memorial Hall, Martyr’s Shrine, Shihlin Mansion 台中-台北:中正纪念堂-忠烈祠-士林官邸-台湾茶艺馆-士林夜市 |
After breakfast, proceed to C.K.S Memorial Hall, used to be a monument built in memory of former president Chiang Kai-Shek. After view an elaborate ceremony of changing guards hourly at Martyr’s Shrine. Visit Pio-Siou Arts Center. Continue your journey to the famous Shihlin Mansion, which was the old residence of former presidence of Chiang Kai-shek and his wife Song Mei-ling. Visit Taiwan Tea Art Center. Then, it is more shopping and bargains at Shihlin Night Market. 早餐之后前往台北参观为纪念前总统蒋介石之中正纪念堂,现改为台湾民主纪念馆,占地24万多平方尺,纪念堂庄严肃穆,继往参观供奉历年忠勇为国牺牲的烈士牌位之忠烈祠,并可观赏仪仗队庄严的换班仪式,后驱车前往貔貅展览中心参观,台湾人相信貔貅能助人趋吉避凶,为吉祥瑞兽的代表,后往蒋宋美龄故居和台北茶艺中心品尝台湾茶叶。晚间我们将前往士林夜市,自费品尝大饼包小饼、士林大香肠、铁板烧等地道台湾美食,团友可在此继续享受购买流行服饰的乐趣。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch | |
Day 5 | Taipei : Taipei 101, Wulai Hot Spring 台北-乌来-泰雅族老街-台北101 -五分埔-西门町 |
After breakfast, go to visit Wulai, famous for its hot springs and aboriginal culture. At WULAI OLD STREET, you will not only have the chance to learn more about ATAYAL ABORIGINAL CULTURE. Then proceed to Taipei’s tallest skyscraper, Taipei 101(Observatory fee own expenses) World Building. Next stop is Wufenpu whole sale market & Ximending for some shopping, the latest fashion trends are here. 早餐之后前往臺湾北部著名的山地乡 乌来泰雅族老街,这里有原住民市集及泰雅文化活动,还有正统泰雅美食,让您享受原住民的人文风情。 乌来温泉 可自费享受美人汤。 属於弱硷性碳酸泉,水质清澈透明约在摄氏80度左右,对治疗皮肤病颇有功效;以替你消除疲劳。继续前往台湾最高的101摩天大楼(觀景台自費),后往五分埔成衣广场和西门町享受逛街购物的乐趣。 Meal(s) : Breakfast, Lunch | |
Day 6 | Taipei – Return Flight 台北-飞返家园 |
Transfer to airport. 早餐后,于指定集合时间乘车前往桃园机场,搭乘豪华客机带着丰硕愉快的心情飞返家园。 Meal(s) : Breakfast |
** Mandatory Service Fee for Driver / Guide of SGD15 per person to be collected upon time of booking
OCT 08 - 15
DEC 23 - 26
DEC 30 - JAN 02
* Must be 2 person to go
* Package valid until JAN 2011
* Return Airfares is not included. Please refer to our website or call our friendly staffs for more
informations about flights and packages
special arrangement until March 2010
China Airlines 8D ALL TAIWAN
From SGD$1898/PAX
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